Hi Bob! That's a great title. It also matches your niche as a Transportation Educator. Also, my father was a truck driver for over 25 years so I grew up in the culture. Over the past 2 years marketing has changed drastically due to politics entering the consumer marketplace more than ever. We can no longer be consultants because the term has become so vague & distorted.
Marketing has shifted from the Show & Tell method to the “Relationship, Mentorship, & Resources” method.
The show & tell method:
Tell me about your services/products & show be the benefit (USP)
Relationship, Mentorship, & Resources
Build Relationships with customers & clients. Mentor them on the use of your products or service. Give them follow-up resources to use & implement into their lifestyle.
Consultants Show & Tell. Philosophers are practitioners who build relationships, mentor others, & provide them with vast resources. In turn, this helps the community & others learn & grow with you.