Let's review some popular trends for Posting content in 2015 / 2016
Micro Blogs
Video MeMe's
GIF's – Speak With Gif's
“What Makes News” Shares
Inspiring Content “Quotes” Only those that personally impact you
Selfies, Family Pictures, Accomplishments, Genuine real life images
In this day and age with so many people online, how do you get heard? Sometimes it can feel that our social post fall upon def ears. Engagement is when other people interact with your post. There is no exact formula to get people's attention. However there are communities. Joining groups that share the same interest as you, is a good start. #HashTaging, Using a word that relates to your message/post. There will be others who use the same word which can spawn more likes & shares.
Sharing popular content that interest you is a good way to engage with other users. Got a question, Ask your network. If at first they don't reply, Try again but just ask it in a different way. Remember that there are several media formats that can be used. For Example Text, Video, Audio, Images, GIF's, Links, and more.
Have you tried using apps to get attention on the web? There are Thousands of Apps out there that work with Facebook and other social networks. If you have used a sticker or GIF in FB Messages then you have used an app. Some can be very easy and others a little more complex. Think of apps like tools. Use your creative side and think of different ways to get your message or special offer out.
Google! Do you truly know the power of Google and how it relates to Social Networks. This is the place to be! For Example, With a single Gmail account I can access over 25 of Google's platforms! i.e. Google +, YouTube, Google Hangouts, Google Play Store, Picasa, Google Docs, Google Calender, Google Voice, Blogger, & More.
Google Search is a great place to find trending News, Blogs, Images, Video's, & More. With social share links on almost every website, it makes it easy to share content from what ever source you want. In addition to using Google Search for content ideas you can also use it for your website. With the use of embedding it makes it easy to add to any website builder or WordPress. What is embedding? In short, embedding is pre-scripted code that you copy from the source and paste it a designated area on your website. This code keeps the 2 sites linked to each other so you see the same info on both sites in real time.
If you know how to use Hashtags then Twitter will be a cinch. With millions of Tweets going out every hour it my seem hopeless to get engagement. Fear not my friends. Hashtaging is key when using twitter. News and media outlets have discovered this and now when something happens in the world it goes on Twitter before any other major broadcasting networks.
“All that sounds great but I don't have that many followers!”
Did you know that you can follow up to 2,000 people before anyone has to follow you. This is a great way to start creating the Twitter audience you want. For example it your in the Health & Wellness industry then you would follow peers, Leaders, Trends, communities, Organizations, and More.
It is ok to have more then one Twitter account. Most people have 2 Twitter Accounts. One with their name and one with your company name. However there are other reasons to start a second Twitter account. i.e. Products, Book Launches, Radio Shows, YouTube Channels, and more.
“With so many Social Networks and different ways of doing things, how do I keep up with everything?”
There are 2 ways!
The FREE Way
The First is Self Tot. This means using every resources on the web at your disposal.
“How do I get started doing it the FREE way?”
Here are a few tips! Get familiar with Google Search and the many different keywords used in searches. Learn the varies search tools that are available to you. By doing this it will cut your search time in half if you know how to search properly. This also includes Youtube searches. Finding tutorials is always the best bet.
Once you know how to search then it just takes time to read, learn, and apply. Once you learn something. Practice it a few times and move on to the next. Some things you can search are, Articles, Blogs, Vlogs, PDF's, Tip sites, and anything with open access. But in my experience the best way to learn is just to create an account and dive right in. Getting your self familiar with the platform and practicing are key to advance your knowledge.
The PAID Way
Have an experienced social media expert teach and assist you with all the technicalities of your online presence.
“How do I find the right social media expert? These days, everyone claims to be an expert and it is challenging finding the right person.”
This is true. Here are a few tips when looking for a social media expert.
Are they passionate about social media? If it only seems like a job and money then that person may not be a fit.
What does there social media presence look like? Are they only on Facebook or are they on all major networks. (Facebook, Twitter, Google +, YouTube, Penterest, Instagram, Pariscope, & LinkedIn”
Do they come recommended. Look at there reviews and recommendations. You can find reviews on their Facebook page, or look for recommendations on their LinkedIn profile.
Does there social media look professional. Are there images sized right? Do they use a variety of media in their post? Do they provide tips and helpful information in there post. If their social media just looks thrown together then you might want to think twice.
Have they tot a social media class or assisted others with there social media and if so what does it look like.
Once you find the right social media expert for you. Have then evaluate you social presence and see where you are at. Once you know where you are then communicate with them and tell them what you are looking for in your social presence. For example, Do you want to use more video? Do you want to do online radio? Do you want to create an online community? Think of the different ways that you would like your message, product or service to be exposed and shared.
Remember social media is a process that includes you. Social Media Experts can teach and show you the way. They can even do it for you. But the one thing they can't do is speak for you. Remember it's you brand, your product, your service, & your name!
The content must come from you.
If you need assistance creating content then ask them if they do content creation and basic Graphic Design? If so then they can sit down with you and help you paint your vision with your words.
Most importantly, learn the basic's of Social Media so you can engage with your network. This means liking their post, Commenting, Sharing, answering private messages, and getting to know your network. This helps keep your online presence genuine. There is nothing worse then getting canned responses or feeling like you are communicating with a robot. This could cause you to lose perspective clients or sales.
I have a statement I wrote to share with my network explaining the Philosophy of social media and the future of human connection.
“Social Media & Technology have changed the way we share. Now we share through the internet, We Share Our friends, favorite youtube video, our location, and even intimate photo's of special times in our lives. Every time we share we are reflecting our personalities, ourselves! This leads us to a new and innovative change in human connection. The Social Media revolution is around the corner.
I truly believe we are at the forefront of the Social Media Revolution where the internet is you. A place of pure emotion & Genuine connection. Our experiences magnified a hundred times, A place where we find love, Friends, Family and True feeling!
We have unlocked the WORLD, the future we create will have no boundaries of language. Imagine what we have achieved thus far. The next generation of social media is coming. Remember that you were here and create the internet of you! Because tomorrow is the future that we all share.”
~ Josh Carpenter
If you are ready to take on Social Media and have any question or would like assistance please connect with us at the information below.
Impact Image Marketing, Inc
(702) 249-0484