Impact Image Marketing has been a BIG player in helping small businesses get set up on social networking platforms. They have spent advertising money with Facebook just like other businesses. Many companies have been shut down on Facebook & their content did not go against FB's TOS or privacy policy. Follow us as we take a deeper look!
Just within the past 30 days, Facebook is knocking companies down left & right! This is not about politics, it's about an immoral & unjust platform trying to monopolize the social networking industry along with others!
In recent news on Facebook
This is hard to believe! Trust me I know. It's kind of like somebody breaking up with you after you have been together for over a decade!
Here is an example of another Marketing company that had their ads manager shut down!
Impact Image Marketing has reached out to their network just to see how many businesses this has effected & the amount is astounding. So why is this happening now. Here is another video to give you a little back story about some of these tech giants.
The video below was released in October of 2019 & talks about alternatives to Facebook. Here we are over a year later & it is only getting worse. For all of us in the Social Media Marketing industry, this is no surprise. But if the house is burning then you want to collect your assets & get out!
Here is why Facebook will fail moving forward.
Video released in 2019
Impact Image Marketing did a case study to see the different ways Facebook censors businesses & it's users.

The Facebook Does Not Want You To Know.

Case Study: January 2021
Example: I got support for all 15 of the pages I manage had there publish buttons removed. Vanished gone. We have been doing social media management for over 10 years & have never seen an entire element from their original design removed.
Here's what it looked like: Click setting

Then Clicked Support:Direct Link: https://www.facebook.com/business/help/205614130852988?id=765488040896522 Click Support: That then takes you to a chat window with Facebook Support.

Then gave the support rep. all the information requested in a chat. Then Facebook sent me a confirmation with a Case ID. As seen in the email below.

So after following up after the requested processing time of 24-48 hours. I went back to FB & followed the same process.However this time when I clicked on support in the upper right corner of the screen, i got the following message. See image below.

My conclusion on this Case Study.
If Facebook wants to disable your ability on their platform they will do it. I know that this is not right or moral but as you saw in the video above. It is a process to regulate Big Tech. Speaking with an expert can help you with your social media strategy, secure your time investment, & your content.
With so many companies transitioning their social media platforms, do you really want to leave all your eggs in one basket? Meaning, do you really want to spend wasted time on a in-moral platform that plays games with small businesses brands on their site.
Please don't misunderstand me. I'm not saying to delete your Facebook account. What I'm saying is you don't want to spend a majority of time & money on their platform when you can reach new audiences on other platforms.